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Hey, let’s just stop making female orgasms appear unachievable

We’ve seen countless scientists deciphering the unspoken enigma related to female orgasms. There’s a latest explanation uncovering that nearly 150 million years ago, females cued the body to release eggs while fertilisation. And today’s orgasms are closely related to this explanation, so it’s true that females have an automatic ovulation cycle.

But we haven’t seen much discussions on men and their orgasmic capacities. They like it, so they spread their seeds into welcoming wombs and stoic water closets. And because men do it, people think that this human breed is simple . . . unlike the females. However, ladies, too, achieve orgasm—it’s just that the frequency is pretty low when it’s compared with that of a male, but it’s nowhere unachievable. Anyway, here’s why a male may think that females suck in achieving orgasms as quickly and easily as he does.

Women lack the technique

There’s a popular survey done by Cosmos, which threw light on some abysmal data sets. As per the research work, close to 57 per cent of female readers said that they achieved the Big O almost every time they had sex; this figure stands nowhere near the one (95 per cent) associated to males. Other similar meta-analysis of close to 33 scientific studies claimed that most ladies aren’t getting their orgasms while in the bed with their fuck buddy porn. So that means, ladies lack techniques to have orgasms—something that men have mastered. (But lacking techniques doesn’t mean they don’t have them; that’s what we’ll explain in the next point.)

Women actually have a lot many paths to getting orgasms

Yes, that’s true—ladies have many paths to achieve orgasms; it’s just that they don’t know about them, or they haven’t explored them. But a few females might know about such paths and even walk on them, and that’s when their respective bedmates find them complicated enough. So if you’re a male partner who doesn’t understand the path your lady is taking to achieve orgasms, then don’t give up—it’s better to just explore her bod in ways she may not have thought about. By doing that, you’ll for sure discover her path to achieving orgasms (if she has one).

So that’s it, peeps. After reading this post, males must not make a fuss about female orgasms.

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